Author Archives: SSNews

Two Sikh brothers from Delhi among those shot dead

New Delhi: A little before 11 am on a Sunday morning, Ranjeet Singh was at the gurudwara in Wisconsin where he played the tablas every Sunday during the kirtan or hymns at the prayer service. Ranjeet was 45. On weekdays, ...

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Press Statements of various political leaders on tragic Sikh Temple shooting in Wisconsin

From the White House Press Office: Mitt Romney’s statement on the shooting: Nikki Haley Responds To Shooting Wis. Governor Orders Flags To Half Staff Oak Creek Mayor: ‘We’re Going to Work Toward Healing’ Nancy Pelosi ‘Devastated’ By Wisconsin Shooting Statement ...

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Wisconsin Temple Shooting Hero Cop Brian Murphy Shot 8 Times, Waves Off Aid

Wisconsin, US: A police officer shot at least eight times in the neck and extremities outside the Sikh temple in Oak Creek, Wis, waved off fellow officers attempting to rescue him and indicated they should assist others still inside. Lt. ...

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Sikh Temple Gunman ID’d, But Cops Seek Another ‘Person of Interest’

Wisconsin, US: Former soldier Wade Michael Page was identified today as the lone gunman who killed six people at a Sikh religious center in Oak Creek, Wisc., but police said they are also seeking a “person of interest” who was ...

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