Bhai Sahib Bhai Gurbaksh Singh Ji Khalsa in Day #43 of Hunger Strike.
Sangat Ji, its been 43 days now Bhai Gurbaksh Singh Khalsa has been fighting for our brothers in Jails without eating. As the destination seem closer more hurdles are being created by a lot of people in order to divide the sangat and defame Bhai Sahib. Its our Humble benti to Sangat that please do not fall for these tricks played by panth dokhis.
We all want Bhai sahib alive, in chardikala so that he can fight for all sikh innocent brothers and sisters who have languished their lives in Jails just because of Tyrant Government.
Fighting for 6 and awakening the sangat around the globe was the first step. Next step is to keep the movement and its momentum going so that we can one day live with Freedom and Peace.
<p>Sangat Ji, its been 43 days now Bhai Gurbaksh Singh Khalsa has been fighting for our brothers in Jails without eating. As the destination seem closer more hurdles are being created by a lot of people in order to divide the sangat and defame Bhai Sahib. Its our Humble benti to Sangat that please do not fall for these tricks played by panth dokhis. </p>
<p>We all want Bhai sahib alive, in chardikala so that he can fight for all sikh innocent brothers and sisters who have languished their lives in Jails just because of Tyrant Government. </p>
<p>Fighting for 6 and awakening the sangat around the globe was the first step. Next step is to keep the movement and its momentum going so that we can one day live with Freedom and Peace.</p>
<p>@[637662286274964:274:We support Bhai Gurbaksh Singh Khalsa]</p>
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Keep up the good work its time to take action
We should let bhai sahib die and I don’t know when this government is gonna release the last prisoner. This media is tainting Bhai Sahib’s struggle by calling him a terrorist. We should ask for a public apology from the media for tainting this struggle.
Amazing soul. So much strength and love for the lives of our brothers in jail for no reason- the least we can do is ardaas for him. Spread awareness!!! Educate everyone you talk to- forget wasteful small talk about the weather.